... of mice and men, gang aft agley....
Did pretty good for a few days with my blogging, but life gets in the way again! School started, so I'm deep into homework these days. Cub Scouts started back. We've gone the rounds with the flu - both the regular flu and the stomach flu. Our big news is that Logan is going to Canada with People to People International this summer. Two weeks on a whirlwind tour of Western Canada.
I've been personally working on my temper and trying to take on a more Zen attitude. It's difficult at times - especially with Duncan and the boys around! Not to mention my dad! My mom is like me - pretty easy going until pushed.
I've been trying to let go of anger and negative feelings. I've made up with a couple of people who I'd been on the outs with. We need peace in our lives not personal unrest. I'm going to make even more of an effort to blog. I need to write down funny things here and there or just random thoughts.
Okay two funny things for the day. Last night the twins ended up in my bed like they sometimes do when Duncan works. Malcolm kept up his little chatter for about an hour - sometimes I couldn't understand it at all, sometimes it was a little tune he was singing, but occasionally I understood what he was talking about. He turned to me, all snuggly and warm, and said, "Mama, what's in a pillow? Is it just feathers or something else?" I answered of course, but what an odd thing to think about at 2 a.m.!
Then Duncan came home from work in the morning and jokingly said, "Happy Sarah Palin's birthday!" Andrew immediately turned his butt toward Duncan and blew a raspberry/fake fart sound! We cracked up laughing! What timing!!
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